Organ Trafficking in Catholic Hospital:
Another business of the Catholic Church Exposed

SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA - It turns out that the Church Catholic has not only been trafficking babies around the world (see evidence) but has also been trafficking human organs.
Further evidence of the immorality of this perverse institution is increasingly being shown in headlines as its criminal proceeding in the nations is being exposed.
The Ministry of Health of Costa Rica is currently investigating serious complaints about illegal transplants performed in the Catholic hospital known as "Hospital Clinica Catolica", as reported by official sources of said institution. Daysi Corrales, health minister of that country, manifested the corresponding procedure to these allegations by presenting it to the Executive Director of the Council for the International Promotion of Costa Rica Medicine (AVG), Maximum Manzi.
In a news conference, Deputy Health Minister Sissy Castillo said that Costa Rica does not lend itself to this kind of operations, as illegal transplants are strictly prohibited. She acknowledged that the Health Ministry is investigating the Catholic Clinic Hospital for alleged irregularities in the practice of organ transplants.
"This hurts and damages the reputation of our country, as well as the scientific and ethics professionals working in this field", said.
The case came to light on Monday when the Mexican newspaper "El Universal" reported that in 2012 two Israeli paid $6,000 U.S. dollars for a Costa Rican and Nicaraguan to purchase two kidneys in Costa Rica.
Montalbert Clive-Smith, a renowned doctor in union environment, was the one who made the allegation at a forum on organ transplants.
The coordinator of Organ Donation and Transplantation of the Social Security Fund, Marvin Aguero, reported that it will create a work plan for the detection, prosecution, and punishment of the crime of organ trafficking in the country.
Let us see what they do the owners of the organization where the organ trafficking was takinn place. After all, the HOSPITAL CLINICA CATOLICA it is catholic institution.
"Costa Rica is marked worldwide as transplant tourism spot. We all know what we mean! Transplant tourism is the elegant way of saying organ trafficking" Argentine physician Roberto Tanus said to the newspaper "El Universal".
Finally, the Catholic Clinic reported that eleven transplant cases in that hospital in the last four years, ten were made to foreigners. Victor Perez, the catholic hospital director, rejected the allegations as expected and said he had not been briefed on the investigation that is being conducted of the Hospital Clínica Católica.
No wonder that the director of the hospital in question rejects the accusations. You just can not escape so easily, 'where there's smoke there's fire.' The fact is that the Catholic Church, and all those dependant under its aegis, you can expect anything. And this is but 'one more to the tiger."
How true are these shocking news about the Great Harlot - the Catholic Church. Your order has been certified by the supreme authority of ... the Man Christ Jesus! For years, he has publicly declared that the Vatican sentence has been served, it will be left desolate, all of its crimes will be exposed right before it goes up in flames and is destroyed forever!